Wednesday 24 October 2018

Week 5 :Workshop : What is wellness ?How does my product relate to wellness?

October 24th, 2018
By M.Tourabi
Image result for welness

Image result for welnessWhat is wellness? How does my product relate to wellness?

"...a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

- The World Health Organisation (2016)

"a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential."

- The National Wellness Institute(2011)
Our workshop session aim today was to spend more time on our website to improve layout, design, ensure there is a harmonious mix of colours to our products and website. However, most importantly, It was to link between our aim as a product to the theme of wellness. I have chosen my product to be Teas of all types and I linked this to the overall idea as related to wellness by including  Tea benefits and positive impacts on health. I have concentrated on the colour of green to link bring in the sensation of nature, relaxation and at the same time to reflect that my product is organic and completely chemical free. Also, throughout this session, we have covered different definitions to the terminology  ''wellness'' to achieve a deep understanding of our website theme.


  • UK Davis (2018). What is Wellness? | Student Health and Counseling Services. [online] Available at: [Accessed  28 Nov. 2018].
  • Ryan Corte (2018). What Is Wellness and Why Is It Important? | into wellness. [online] Intro Wellness. Available at: [Accessed 28 Nov. 2018].

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Week 4: Marketing strategies in social media & Customer advocacy?

October 17th, 2018
By M.Tourabi

          Using strategies in social media & customer advocacy

Image result for Using Strategies in social media & customer advocacy
Today's session main focus was to understand the different strategies to meet the marketing goals when using social media and to discuss the use of customer advocacy to enhance and promote the product offered to the market.

Customer advocacy refers to when companies are focused on what is deemed to be best for the customer and it is a change in the company's culture that is supported by customer-focused service and marketing techniques. Customer  advocacy includes techniques such as: 

Image result for Using Strategies in social media & customer advocacy
  • Focusing on the customer's relationship.
  • Serving the customer with speed.
  • Sharing success as to share positive feedback received.

  • Reward & Surprise your customers.
  • Remember special occasions.
  • Say Thanks even to the detractors.
  • Solicit and act on feedback.

Having discussed the above on the session gave me an idea as to which techniques I should implement on my websites such as adding a feedback section, offering an online chat service.

We have also discussed a number of strategies to enhance the awareness and engagement of the customer, such as:

  • Increasing brand awareness by creating a strong brand personality and meaningful content through all social media channels.
  • Engaging in a higher quality of sales by monitoring and listening for keywords, phrases or hashtags which will assist to reach the target audience sooner.
  • Drive in-person sales by rewarding those social media channels who are already coming to you to create the incentive to come to you.
  • Improving the return-on-investment by conducting an audit of social channels to understand if costs such as advertising, labour, and design are on track.
  • Creating a loyal fan base by creating a user-generated. Content to improve engagement with existing followers to gain more.


  • Lithium. (2018). 7 Real-World Tips for Better Social Engagement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2018].
  • Alton, L. and Alton, L. (2018). How to Encourage Customer Advocacy on Social Media. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2018].

Week 3: How do customers behave on-line platforms?The decision making process?

October 10th, 2018
By M.Tourabi
Image result for decision making

Understanding the consumers' behaviour & needs is the key to success in creating a connection between the product and the customer.

Image result for decision making

The overall idea of this session was to understand that consumers have different approaches when it comes to shopping online. The question was raised as to ''what is the decision process undertaken by different individuals to buy an item online?''. Some of my peers in class  commented that It really matters about ''the pricing only'' or price sensitivity comparison  ,some mentioned how they looked at the  warranty & return policy first to compare which website offered the more  convenient way to return an item if they happened not to like it when received,some cared for the design and look, reputation, recognition, and experience or recommendation. Personally, I would online choose a website for shopping based on brand reputations, values, and other client reviews. Through this session, I have learned that online shoppers will consider a number of factors in their decision-making process and I should take measures to ensure that my online website will meet and match most of these factors. I have decided that my website should offer a different range of products as people tend to enjoy different tastes of teas, to add reviews sections to encourage feedback from my clients,  to ensure that item return policy is flexible to clients needs and my pricing to relatively compare to the market prices.


  • (2018). Consumer Decision Making Process. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 NOV. 2018]
  • International Journal of Marketing Studies (2016 )  P(113) Decision-making Behaviours toward Online Shopping 1918-7203 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education.    

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Week 2: How to Create a popular Blog? Efficient & Entertaining?

October 3rd, 2018
By M.Tourabi

Image result for a successful blog

What makes a successful Blog in simply 6 Steps? To promote a Health & Wellness website(
Royal British Blend )

Identify a target Market Who are my readers?

First and foremost, the product offered by a website, in this case, Royal British Blend would have a segmented market as not every product is for everyone. People tend to have different tastes, habits, and likes when it comes to their lifestyles. Natural remedies products are more for individuals whose interest in a healthier lifestyle is high, care for the relaxation of their mind and body, prefer naturally occurred products rather than artificial.

Market Penetration  -  Marketing approach - How do I reach them?

Individuals interested in a  healthy lifestyle are always on the run for discovering and trying the new and are expected to follow healthy lifestyles webs, which could be used to introduce Royal British Blend products.Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Marketing boards, blogs etc. 

Know your customer needs - What are their motivations?

Individuals who may have a common interest, relation to the product interest will make the move to try the product and eventually become loyal. For Natural Remedies web, it is designated to attract those with interest for a balanced lifestyle: physically, mentally, Naturally produced products, nature.

How can you help? - What are the problems I can help them solve?

Nowadays, people seek alternatives to artificial medication to deal with anxiety, Stress, Insomnia, relaxation seeking...etc.Royal British Blend offers a key to nature and healthier body and mind.

Keep your audience entertained - How can I entertain and inform them at the same time?

Inform them of the benefits of natural herbal teas / herb of the week etc. For example, each day or week the website can describe the benefits and background story of a specific tea, herb to engage its customers and promote to achieve more sales.

Share your unique selling point - What content will compel them to purchase what I have to offer?

Websites, in general, provide a range of services & products that make them different to others. For example, Royal British Blend is a website that specialises in naturally made products and has a unique approach in informing its customers about its products: the production process, origins, benefits, etc.

  • The Minimalists. (2018). How to Start a Successful Blog in 2018 | The Minimalists. [online] Available at: [Accessed 03 Nov. 2018].
  • (2018). How to Start a Successful Blog in 2018: 45 Tips That Got Me 1 Million Monthly Readers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 03 Nov. 2018].

Week 10: Final Stages to publish my website? Things to consider before website launch

December 8 th , 2018 By M.Tourabi Steps To Take Before Launching A Website Within this session, I have spent time wo...