Wednesday 14 November 2018

Week 7: Digital Marketing tactics

November 14th, 2018
By M.Tourabi
Image result for digital marketing tactics

8 effective digital marketing tactics that will create positive results:

1.  Search engine optimization (SEO): A recent example involves the new HTTPS requirements already impacting SEO results as HTTP pages aren’t deemed secure enough.

2.  Research: Understand your audience and don't post generic messages all over the internet.

3.  Content marketing: To make content marketing work well, focus on mobile content, native advertising, influencer marketing, and marketing automation.

4.  Concept: Having a quality product and a professionally designed website may help attract the right people.

5.  Optimise for both Mobile & Desktop Marketing: The most important thing to figure out is how to convert inquirers into customers. So a business cannot ignore either desktop marketing or mobile marketing. Both are equally important to help reach a business’s marketing goals.

6.   Search Engine Marketing: Abbreviated as SEM, it’s a form of internet marketing where businesses increase their search engine results pages through paid advertising methods.

7.   Run A/B Split Tests Regularly: Companies must regularly test everything, from the smallest elements to the biggest variables. This can have a definite competitive advantage over other businesses.

8.  Social Media Marketing: To capture today’s audiences, companies can use automation to post content when they know their audience is reading, helping to reach people in other time zones.


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