Saturday 8 December 2018

Week 10: Final Stages to publish my website? Things to consider before website launch

December 8th, 2018

By M.Tourabi

Steps To Take Before Launching A Website

Image result for last steps before launching a website

Within this session, I have spent time working towards finalising my website for launch and through that I have looked at different measures and steps to ensure that my website is ready for publication:

1. Review everything.

I have ensured to review my website material / content to make sure it is in line with the aims of the business; proofreading my pages, descriptions, links, images and general layout is up to the standard of comparable websites.

2. Enable responsive design. 

Review any design issues that would repel potential visitors and ensure the website is responsive and operates on all web browsers and devices. Also, test the website on laptop, tablet, and mobile device to make sure it looks and functions as I want it.

3. Check functionality. 

At this stage it is also important to test that the features are functioning correctly across the site. For example, email list signups, comments, and social sharing, check out section.

4. Back up your site. 

Finally, before launching my site, I made sure to prevent any loss of data by setting up site security and regularly backing up my site. This can also help in case of any malware attempts against the website, ensuring that copies of the website are being created and stored regularly. This gives me security that there is always a backup in place should something go wrong.


  • (2018). Six Steps To Take Before Launching A Website. [online] Available at: [Accessed 01 Dec. 2018].
  • Smart Passive Income. 2018. How to Launch a Brand New Website (with a Bang!) - The Ultimate Guide. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 December 2018].

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Week 10: Final Stages to publish my website? Things to consider before website launch

December 8 th , 2018 By M.Tourabi Steps To Take Before Launching A Website Within this session, I have spent time wo...