Wednesday 17 October 2018

Week 3: How do customers behave on-line platforms?The decision making process?

October 10th, 2018
By M.Tourabi
Image result for decision making

Understanding the consumers' behaviour & needs is the key to success in creating a connection between the product and the customer.

Image result for decision making

The overall idea of this session was to understand that consumers have different approaches when it comes to shopping online. The question was raised as to ''what is the decision process undertaken by different individuals to buy an item online?''. Some of my peers in class  commented that It really matters about ''the pricing only'' or price sensitivity comparison  ,some mentioned how they looked at the  warranty & return policy first to compare which website offered the more  convenient way to return an item if they happened not to like it when received,some cared for the design and look, reputation, recognition, and experience or recommendation. Personally, I would online choose a website for shopping based on brand reputations, values, and other client reviews. Through this session, I have learned that online shoppers will consider a number of factors in their decision-making process and I should take measures to ensure that my online website will meet and match most of these factors. I have decided that my website should offer a different range of products as people tend to enjoy different tastes of teas, to add reviews sections to encourage feedback from my clients,  to ensure that item return policy is flexible to clients needs and my pricing to relatively compare to the market prices.


  • (2018). Consumer Decision Making Process. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 NOV. 2018]
  • International Journal of Marketing Studies (2016 )  P(113) Decision-making Behaviours toward Online Shopping 1918-7203 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education.    

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