Wednesday 17 October 2018

Week 4: Marketing strategies in social media & Customer advocacy?

October 17th, 2018
By M.Tourabi

          Using strategies in social media & customer advocacy

Image result for Using Strategies in social media & customer advocacy
Today's session main focus was to understand the different strategies to meet the marketing goals when using social media and to discuss the use of customer advocacy to enhance and promote the product offered to the market.

Customer advocacy refers to when companies are focused on what is deemed to be best for the customer and it is a change in the company's culture that is supported by customer-focused service and marketing techniques. Customer  advocacy includes techniques such as: 

Image result for Using Strategies in social media & customer advocacy
  • Focusing on the customer's relationship.
  • Serving the customer with speed.
  • Sharing success as to share positive feedback received.

  • Reward & Surprise your customers.
  • Remember special occasions.
  • Say Thanks even to the detractors.
  • Solicit and act on feedback.

Having discussed the above on the session gave me an idea as to which techniques I should implement on my websites such as adding a feedback section, offering an online chat service.

We have also discussed a number of strategies to enhance the awareness and engagement of the customer, such as:

  • Increasing brand awareness by creating a strong brand personality and meaningful content through all social media channels.
  • Engaging in a higher quality of sales by monitoring and listening for keywords, phrases or hashtags which will assist to reach the target audience sooner.
  • Drive in-person sales by rewarding those social media channels who are already coming to you to create the incentive to come to you.
  • Improving the return-on-investment by conducting an audit of social channels to understand if costs such as advertising, labour, and design are on track.
  • Creating a loyal fan base by creating a user-generated. Content to improve engagement with existing followers to gain more.


  • Lithium. (2018). 7 Real-World Tips for Better Social Engagement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2018].
  • Alton, L. and Alton, L. (2018). How to Encourage Customer Advocacy on Social Media. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2018].

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