Saturday 8 December 2018

Week 10: Final Stages to publish my website? Things to consider before website launch

December 8th, 2018

By M.Tourabi

Steps To Take Before Launching A Website

Image result for last steps before launching a website

Within this session, I have spent time working towards finalising my website for launch and through that I have looked at different measures and steps to ensure that my website is ready for publication:

1. Review everything.

I have ensured to review my website material / content to make sure it is in line with the aims of the business; proofreading my pages, descriptions, links, images and general layout is up to the standard of comparable websites.

2. Enable responsive design. 

Review any design issues that would repel potential visitors and ensure the website is responsive and operates on all web browsers and devices. Also, test the website on laptop, tablet, and mobile device to make sure it looks and functions as I want it.

3. Check functionality. 

At this stage it is also important to test that the features are functioning correctly across the site. For example, email list signups, comments, and social sharing, check out section.

4. Back up your site. 

Finally, before launching my site, I made sure to prevent any loss of data by setting up site security and regularly backing up my site. This can also help in case of any malware attempts against the website, ensuring that copies of the website are being created and stored regularly. This gives me security that there is always a backup in place should something go wrong.


  • (2018). Six Steps To Take Before Launching A Website. [online] Available at: [Accessed 01 Dec. 2018].
  • Smart Passive Income. 2018. How to Launch a Brand New Website (with a Bang!) - The Ultimate Guide. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 December 2018].

Week 9: Branding in e-marketing

December 8th, 2018
By M.Tourabi

What is ‘digital branding’?

Digital branding definition:

"Digital channels and assets are used to communicate a brand’s positioning (or purpose) as part of multi-channel brand communication or engagement programmes".

We don't use the term ‘TV branding’ or ‘radio branding’? so the term 'digital branding' is curious. Time must be spent researching, defining and building a brand.

Digital marketing has emerged as a specialism over the last decade with its origins rooted in direct marketing. The increase in the number of personal devices and their use means brand marketers have many more ways of communicating directly and interactively with their target consumers or customers. Given this, it's no surprise that branding concepts should be applied to digital media and technology to develop brands through interactions with consumers on their digital devices. 

The refrain in many businesses is about putting the customer or consumer at the centre of everything they do. New buying behaviours, channels and technologies provide more ways of delivering engaging, consumer-centred brand experiences. Use the right segmentation to communicate with the target consumer to build brand value and loyalty, putting the customer at the centre of everything they do.

So success will comprise participating in a wide range of online activities, integrated with offline brand events. An integrated approach is key rather than seeing digital as experimental. The overall aim should be to deliver an authentic and consistent total brand experience that is aligned with the brand’s strategy, positioning and purpose.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Week 8: Issues of online advertising

November 28th, 2018
By M.Tourabi

Five important issues around online advertising 

1.   Brand safety: Companies should maintain processes that ensure a safe environment for ad trading, minimising the risks involving misplacement, protecting the integrity and reputation of brands, and reducing the funding of content and services that infringe copyright.

2.   Maximising ad viewability: Companies should use accredited technology partners to develop cross-platform standards, with a goal of achieving effective viewability, engagement and attention for advertisers' online campaigns.

3.   Tackling ad fraud: The investment brands make in digital advertising should be effective and reach the right audience and accredited technology solutions should be used to stamp out fraud.

4.   An ad funded internet: All forms of digital advertising should be effective, efficient and relevant to people¹s interests, providing revenue to publishers so they may continue to make their content, services and applications widely available to the public. Ad blocking undermines this aspiration.

5.   Privacy: Advertising businesses should give citizens greater transparency and control over the information that is collected and used to make advertising more relevant and effective.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Week 7: Digital Marketing tactics

November 14th, 2018
By M.Tourabi
Image result for digital marketing tactics

8 effective digital marketing tactics that will create positive results:

1.  Search engine optimization (SEO): A recent example involves the new HTTPS requirements already impacting SEO results as HTTP pages aren’t deemed secure enough.

2.  Research: Understand your audience and don't post generic messages all over the internet.

3.  Content marketing: To make content marketing work well, focus on mobile content, native advertising, influencer marketing, and marketing automation.

4.  Concept: Having a quality product and a professionally designed website may help attract the right people.

5.  Optimise for both Mobile & Desktop Marketing: The most important thing to figure out is how to convert inquirers into customers. So a business cannot ignore either desktop marketing or mobile marketing. Both are equally important to help reach a business’s marketing goals.

6.   Search Engine Marketing: Abbreviated as SEM, it’s a form of internet marketing where businesses increase their search engine results pages through paid advertising methods.

7.   Run A/B Split Tests Regularly: Companies must regularly test everything, from the smallest elements to the biggest variables. This can have a definite competitive advantage over other businesses.

8.  Social Media Marketing: To capture today’s audiences, companies can use automation to post content when they know their audience is reading, helping to reach people in other time zones.


Wednesday 7 November 2018

Week 6: What is CRM ? where does it stand in my business web?

November 7th, 2018
By M.Tourabi

             Customer-relationship management
Image result for crm

C.R.M - Customer relationship management & its means to improve the customer retention and driving driving sales growth.
C.R.M typically refers to the practices ,strategies and technologies that the company use to manage and analyse their interactions and data throughout the customer life cycle ( Tech target Margaret Mouse, January 2018).

C.R.M takes form in the communication between the customer and the company which would include the company's website, telephone,live chat, marketing materials and social media . Also, C.R.M provides customer-facing staff with detailed information, purchase history, buying preferences and concerns of the customer to help them achieve  effective communication.

Having a discussion of C.R.M has been insightful for me to plan to reach my segmented market better. I understood that It is very vital for a business to learn  its clienteles needs to achieve its best potential sales. This can be achieved through performing surveys, live chat and all forms of communication and interactions.


  • (2018). Beginner's Guide to CRM Systems. [online] Available at: [Accessed  29 Nov. 2018].
  • Hillsberg, A. (2018). Best CRM Software Reviews & Comparisons | 2018 List of Expert's Choices. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Nov. 2018].

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Week 5 :Workshop : What is wellness ?How does my product relate to wellness?

October 24th, 2018
By M.Tourabi
Image result for welness

Image result for welnessWhat is wellness? How does my product relate to wellness?

"...a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

- The World Health Organisation (2016)

"a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential."

- The National Wellness Institute(2011)
Our workshop session aim today was to spend more time on our website to improve layout, design, ensure there is a harmonious mix of colours to our products and website. However, most importantly, It was to link between our aim as a product to the theme of wellness. I have chosen my product to be Teas of all types and I linked this to the overall idea as related to wellness by including  Tea benefits and positive impacts on health. I have concentrated on the colour of green to link bring in the sensation of nature, relaxation and at the same time to reflect that my product is organic and completely chemical free. Also, throughout this session, we have covered different definitions to the terminology  ''wellness'' to achieve a deep understanding of our website theme.


  • UK Davis (2018). What is Wellness? | Student Health and Counseling Services. [online] Available at: [Accessed  28 Nov. 2018].
  • Ryan Corte (2018). What Is Wellness and Why Is It Important? | into wellness. [online] Intro Wellness. Available at: [Accessed 28 Nov. 2018].

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Week 4: Marketing strategies in social media & Customer advocacy?

October 17th, 2018
By M.Tourabi

          Using strategies in social media & customer advocacy

Image result for Using Strategies in social media & customer advocacy
Today's session main focus was to understand the different strategies to meet the marketing goals when using social media and to discuss the use of customer advocacy to enhance and promote the product offered to the market.

Customer advocacy refers to when companies are focused on what is deemed to be best for the customer and it is a change in the company's culture that is supported by customer-focused service and marketing techniques. Customer  advocacy includes techniques such as: 

Image result for Using Strategies in social media & customer advocacy
  • Focusing on the customer's relationship.
  • Serving the customer with speed.
  • Sharing success as to share positive feedback received.

  • Reward & Surprise your customers.
  • Remember special occasions.
  • Say Thanks even to the detractors.
  • Solicit and act on feedback.

Having discussed the above on the session gave me an idea as to which techniques I should implement on my websites such as adding a feedback section, offering an online chat service.

We have also discussed a number of strategies to enhance the awareness and engagement of the customer, such as:

  • Increasing brand awareness by creating a strong brand personality and meaningful content through all social media channels.
  • Engaging in a higher quality of sales by monitoring and listening for keywords, phrases or hashtags which will assist to reach the target audience sooner.
  • Drive in-person sales by rewarding those social media channels who are already coming to you to create the incentive to come to you.
  • Improving the return-on-investment by conducting an audit of social channels to understand if costs such as advertising, labour, and design are on track.
  • Creating a loyal fan base by creating a user-generated. Content to improve engagement with existing followers to gain more.


  • Lithium. (2018). 7 Real-World Tips for Better Social Engagement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2018].
  • Alton, L. and Alton, L. (2018). How to Encourage Customer Advocacy on Social Media. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Nov. 2018].

Week 10: Final Stages to publish my website? Things to consider before website launch

December 8 th , 2018 By M.Tourabi Steps To Take Before Launching A Website Within this session, I have spent time wo...